Project Overview

Every spring, the Superior-Greenstone District School Board is required to finalize our annual budget for the upcoming school year. This plan outlines how funds will be spent to support students across the district.

Your input will guide decisions in supporting our commitment to educational excellence. Kindly take a moment to share where you believe the Board should prioritize investments for the upcoming school year.

The Superior-Greenstone District School Board recently released a new Multi-Year Strategic Plan built on three key priority areas - Culture of high expectations & inclusivity, joy in learning & teaching, and meaningful community connections & partnerships. These strategic priorities guide the allocation of resources in the annual budget.



Almost all funding that district school boards receive is provided through Core Education Funding (CEF). It is more commonly referred to as Core Ed funding and replaces the funding model previously referred to as the Grants for Student Needs (GSN). The change in name coincides with the Ministry’s objective of streamlining the funding formula to help make it easier to understand and improve school board accountability. Funding is provided under six pillars:

  • Classroom Staffing
  • Learning Resources
  • Special Education
  • School Facilities
  • Student Transportation
  • School Board Administration

Most of the funding within the Core Ed funding model continues to be generated based on average daily enrolment (ADE) which is a measurement of the number of students enrolled in the District’s schools. The ADE is multiplied by Ministry funding benchmarks to determine the grant allocation. The funding supports needs common to all students and covers costs such as staff salaries, supplies and technology.

The Ministry publication, A Guide to Core Education Funding: 2024-25 School Year, provides an overview of how education is funded in Ontario.

Most of the money, nearly 80%, is spent on staffing costs through salaries, benefits and staff development (this spending is mostly based on collective bargaining agreements). The rest is spent on building construction, maintenance and improvements, student transportation, student transportation, administration and other costs.

Approximately 90% of the SGDSB budget is committed, which means that the Ontario government tells us how it can be spent. This could include meeting Ministry of Education requirements in certain program areas (such as special education or Indigenous Education), staffing levels and salaries (set through provincial labour negotiations), or how much can be spent on building new schools or upgrading school buildings.

That leaves 10% of the budget able to be spent on areas recommended by board priorities.